logo objectionary

Programmer / Award Reason w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 Run
@Akvadevka @Akvadevka (1 award) +8
@h1alexbel @h1alexbel (12 awards) +21 +20 +4 +8 +69
@maxonfjvipon @maxonfjvipon (12 awards) +4 +4 +19 +4 +59
@volodya-lombrozo @volodya-lombrozo (16 awards) +8 +8 -12 +8 -12 -10
@deemp @deemp (7 awards) +16 +8 +28
@SenjeyB @SenjeyB (2 awards) -24
@iri @iri (6 awards) +4 -24
@2IMT @2IMT (1 award) -12
@ErnestMatskevich @ErnestMatskevich (1 award) -12 -12
@xzescha @xzescha (1 award) -12 -12
@MaxFunProger @MaxFunProger (1 award) -12 -12
@yegor256 @yegor256 (45 awards) -44 -12 -60 -232 +14 +4 +4 +4 -314
Total: +5 +20 -37 -228 -6 -8 +4 +4 -256


If a branch has a name that doesn\'t obey the convention, a penalty is given to the author. Here is how it's calculated: Just deduct -12 points.

When a bug is reported and accepted by the team, the reporter gets a bonus. Here is how it's calculated: Just award 8 points.

When a code contribution is made, the author gets a bonus. Here is how it's calculated: First, assume that hoc is the total number of hits-of-code in the contribution. Then, assume that comments is the total number of comments made by all reviewers. Then, assume that reviews is the number of reviews provided, and award 4 points. Then, add 0.05 points for each hit-of-code, but not more than 16 points. Then, deduct 8 points if more than 200 hits-of-code. Then, deduct 16 points if more than 800 hits-of-code. Then, deduct 16 points if there were no code review. Then, deduct 0.2 points for every comment made during review, but not more than -16 points. Then, deduct 4 points if there were less than 6 comments made during review. Then, deduct 16 points if there were absolutely no comments made by reviewers during the review. Then, deduct 8 points if you contribute less than 20 hits-of-code. Then, make sure the reward is not larger than 24 points and not smaller than 4 points.

An author of every code review gets a bonus. Here is how it's calculated: First, assume that hoc is the total number of hits-of-code in the contribution. Then, assume that comments is the total number of comments made by all reviewers. Then, assume that self is 1 if the review was made for their own code contribution, otherwise zero, and award 4 points. Then, deduct 24 points if they reviewed their own contribution. Then, add 0.01 points for each hit-of-code, but not more than 16 points. Then, deduct 10 points if there were less than 6 comments made during review. Then, deduct 16 points if there were absolutely no comments made during review. Then, add 0.25 points for each comment during the review, but not more than 8 points. Then, deduct 8 points if there were less than 16 hits-of-code. Then, make sure the reward is not larger than 24 points and not smaller than 4 points.

When an issue is submitted but then rejected by the team, the reporter gets a penalty. Here is how it's calculated: Just deduct -16 points.

When an enhancement is suggested and accepted by the team, the reporter gets a bonus. Here is how it's calculated: Just award 8 points.

When a new release is published, everybody who contributed gets a bonus. Here is how it's calculated: First, assume that hoc is how many hits-of-code are in the release. Then, assume that contributors is how many people contributed to the release, and award 24 points. Then, add 0.01 points for each hit-of-code, but not more than 24 points. Then, make sure the reward is not larger than 32 points and not smaller than 4 points.

When someone pushes directly to the default branch, they get a penalty. Here is how it's calculated: Just -16 points.

When a bug is resolved, the person who was assigned to it gets a bonus. Here is how it's calculated: First, assume that hours is how many hours it took to resolve the bug. Then, assume that self is 1 if the bug was reported and resolved by the same person, otherwise zero. Then, set days to hours ÷ 24, and award 4 points. Then, add 4 points if it was resolved in less than 24 hours. Then, deduct 16 points if they resolved the bug earlier reported by themselves. Then, deduct 1.0 points for each day of delay, but no more than -20 points. Then, make sure the reward is not larger than 16 points and not smaller than 4 points.

Quality of Service (QoS)

Quantity of Deliverables (QoD)

Earned Value Analysis (EVA)

Not enough data in the latest earned-value fact.

Dimensions of Terrain (DoT)

Dimension w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8
total_active_contributors 17 14 12 11 12 12 12 12
total_commits 25746 25903 26127 26418 26546 26783 27010 27155
total_contributors 112 112 113 113 113 113 115 115
total_files 7762 7779 7795 7860 7858 7959 7968 7969
total_forks 264 264 268 268 269 271 272 273
total_issues 3950 3975 4004 4031 4049 4069 4085 4089
total_pulls 5530 5564 5614 5656 5712 5746 5802 5892
total_releases 570 571 580 583 588 591 598 598
total_repositories 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52
total_stars 1458 1472 1482 1487 1495 1500 1503 1504